Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association
Report Outage

Create your account below

Energy awareness & tracking makes it easy to understand your home or business

MyMeter is separate from the account you may use to pay your bill online. Each may have a different username and password. To access MyMeter without creating a separate login, visit WH's online billing site, log in using your online billing account details, then click My Account > MyMeter.
Log in to create alerts for:
  • Outage Updates
  • Energy Usage
  • Off Peak/Energy-Saving Programs

  • Mobile Phone

    Data & alerts where you are

    Alerts and meter data are accessible across lots of different devices and our mobile alert system keeps you up-to-date even when you're on the road.

  • Pie and Bar Charts

    Track & compare your usage

    Track your usage against weather conditions and see how you compare to your own usage from previous years.

  • Markers

    Customizable markers

    Track important events and monitor associated energy changes with handy markers. Using markers helps the system know how and when to provide important alerts.

  • Energy Gauge

    Energy Challenge

    Set an energy savings goal and track your progress over time.